SMARTER-SI - Smart Access to Manufacturing for Systems Integration

dc.contributor.authorAndersson, D.
dc.contributor.authorWeiler, P.
dc.contributor.authorMayora, K.
dc.contributor.authorKunze, M.
dc.contributor.authorGunzler, R.
dc.contributor.authorKarmann, S.
dc.contributor.authoret al.
dc.description.abstractThe three year EU project SMARTER-SI that started in February 2015 has developed and tested a new production platform for smart systems that offer SMEs and 'mid-cap' companies help to manufacture small and medium volumes. The ultimate goal of this project is to test a new concept for small lot production, which we call the Cooperative Foundry Model (CFM). The CFM is tested by combining components or parts of systems (building blocks) already developed by the RTOs involved in the project in so-called Application Experiments (AEs), thereby creating innovative Smart Systems which serve SMEs'' product needs. During the first two years, four predefined AEs have been developed that consist of i) a multi-parametric point of care testing (POCT) device, ii) a dew-point measurement system, iii) a CO2 measurement system, and iv) a portable device that can be used to screen water quality.
dc.identifier.citation2017 IMAPS Nordic Conference on Microelectronics Packaging (NordPac), June 2017
dc.subjectSmart systems, Small lot manufacturing, prototyping
dc.titleSMARTER-SI - Smart Access to Manufacturing for Systems Integration
dc.typeProceedings Article
dc.type.csemresearchareasIndustry 4.0