Validation of Échelle-Based Quantum-Classical Discriminator with Novelty Spad Array Sensor
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Mitev, Valentin
Boiko, Dmitri L.
Balet, Laurent
Torcheboeuf, Nicolas
Gasparini, Leonardo
Perenzoni, Matteo
Bessire, Bänz
Stefanov, Andre
Mikhalychev, Alexander
Mogilevtsev, Dmitri
Imaging with non-classical photons allows one to bypass the Rayleigh resolution limit and classical shot-noise level [1, 2]. Such schemes will operate with large photon number, produced by sources, where the entangled and classical states have the same wavelength. In this case, the discrimination of the classical and quantum states by wavelength selection with optical filters is not possible. It has been already demonstrated, that the diffraction of bi-photons at reflection or transmission gratings manifests a pattern equivalent to that of classical photons with half of their wavelength [3, 4]. These demonstrations point to the use of quantum diffraction in discriminating quantum and classical states, having the same (or close) wavelength. The motivation in this work is to validate the approach of quantum-classical photons discrimination.
Publication Reference
2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), Munich (Germany), pp. 1-1