Plug-in Plug-Out Multibeam Dielectric Rod Antenna for Target Dedicated mm-Wave RF-WPT Applications

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Ahmadi Najafabadi, Amir Mohsen
Ramirez, German A.
Ghorbanpoor, Mohsen
Vorobyov, Alexander
Nussbaum, Pascal
Skrivervik, Anja
This paper introduces a beam-adjustable multibeam dielectric rod antenna for mm-wave RF-WPT applications. The unique multibeam setup allows the generation of several adjustable beams simultaneously. This is conceptualized by utilizing three and five rods to create a beam coverage between - 30° to 30° in the azimuth plane. In the proposed configuration, the peak gain value of each generated beam is 13 dBi at 23.8 GHz. A gain value above 12 dBi is maintained between 20 GHz and 24 GHz. The Rexolite rod is fed through an annular slot fabricated on a Rogers RO4003 substrate. The adjustable nature of this configuration makes the solution agile, with the possibility of adaptation to different scenarios either by altering the number of unit elements employed or their orientation. This capability, together with the low cost of the proposed solution, makes it a promising power delivery solution for Internet of Things (IoT).
Publication Reference
2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2024, pp. 1-5.