Two-Wire Bus Combining Full Duplex Body-Sensor Network and Multilead Biopotential Measurements

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Rapin, Michaël
Wacker, Josias
Chételat, Olivier
Classical approaches to make high-quality measurements of biopotential signals require the use of shielded or multiwire cables connecting the electrodes to a central unit in a star arrangement. As a consequence, increasing the number of leads increases cabling and connector complexity, which is not only limiting the patient comfort but is also anticipated as the main limiting factor to future miniaturization and cost reduction of tomorrow's wearables. We have recently introduced a novel sensing architecture that significantly reduces the cabling complexity by eliminating shielded or multiwire cables and by allowing simple connectors, thanks to a bus arrangement. In this architecture, electrodes are replaced by so-called cooperative sensors that require synchronous operation for systems larger than two sensors. This paper presents a novel full duplex body-sensor network based on a simple two-wire bus that combines biopotential measurements, synchronization, and gathering of data in a single cooperative sensor with a throughput up to 2 Mb/s. When compared to others, the suggested approach is advantageous as it keeps the cabling complexity at its minimum and does not require every sensor to be equipped with wireless communication capabilities. First experimental measurements demonstrated the reliability of the approach for a wearable 12-lead electrocardiogram monitoring system tested in real-life scenario.
Publication Reference
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 65 (1), pp. 113-122