Continuous non-invasive monitoring of blood pressure in the operating room: a cuffless optical technology at the fingertip

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Solà, Josep
Proença, Martin
Braun, Fabian
Pierrel, Nicolas
Degiorgis, Yan
Verjus, Christophe
Lemay, Mathieu
Bertschi, Mattia
Schoettker, Patrick
Abstract Routine monitoring of blood pressure during general anaesthesia relies on intermittent measurements with a non-invasive brachial cuff every five minutes. This manuscript provides first experimental evidence that a physiology-based pulse wave analysis algorithm applied to optical data (as provided by a standard fingertip pulse oximeter) is capable of accurately estimating blood pressure changes in-between cuff readings. Combined with the routine use of oscillometric cuffs, the presented novel approach is a candidate technology to increase patient safety by providing beat-to-beat hemodynamic measurements without the need of invasive monitoring procedures.
Publication Reference
BMT 2016, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 267-271