Advanced Silicon Thin Films for High-Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction-Based Solar Cells

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Descoeudres, A.
Allebe, C.
Badel, N.
Barraud, L.
Champliaud, J.
Christmann, G.
et al.
The drop in passivation usually observed after the deposition of the p-doped amorphous silicon (a-Si:11) layer on top of the passivating intrinsic buffer a-Si:H layer during the fabrication of silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells is shown to be mostly related to the properties of the i-layer itself. After optimization of the i-layer to reduce this loss, minority carrier lifetimes above 50 ms were achieved on very lowly doped wafers, and close to 18 ms on actual SH,1 cell precursors with i-layers as thin as 4 nm. These films were integrated into SHJ solar cells fabricated with industry-compatible processes, yielding efficiencies up to 23.1% on large-area devices and up to 23.9% on 4 cm2 devices. In addition, the developed a-Si:111 layers were also used as key building blocks in more advanced high-efficiency solar cell architectures, such as interdigitated back-contacted SHJ solar cells (>23%), 111-11//S11.1 tandems (>30%), and perovskite//SHJ tandems (>25%), for example.
Publication Reference
in 2017 Ieee 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (Issue), ed New York: Ieee, 2017, pp. 50-54.