Portable Fluorescence Biosensing System for Low-cost, Quantitative, and Multiplexed Allergen Screening
Shynkarenko, Y.
Chai-Gao, H.
Demuru, S.
Hermann, N.
Boia, P.
Cristofolini, P.
Petkus, B.
Generelli, S.
Paoletti, S.
Burr, L.
CSEM developed a miniaturized fluorescence multisensing system for the rapid identification of immune-mediated responses, enabling the simultaneous detection of multiple allergens in just one hour. The portable solution eliminates painful skin tests and time-consuming lab procedures towards efficient allergy diagnosis and timely treatment. CSEM's solution consists of a microfluidic chip and an automated processing system to identify allergy-specific IgEs in serum by using fluorescence-labeled antibodies. At the core of this advancement lies a user-friendly portable optical reader that can be easily integrated into a doctor’s daily routine.
Publication Reference
CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 2023, p. 82