Chat GPT and other AI´s – a new language for the industry

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Schmid, Philipp A. E.
Since the free launch of the ChatGPT chatbot in 2022, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undeniably become a hot topic. More than 50% of ChatGPT users reveal that they utilize AI in their personal lives to streamline daily tasks. With such widespread consumer interest in AI, it prompts a natural inquiry into the current role of AI in the industrial landscape. Philipp Schmid, Head of Industry 4.0 and Machine Learning at CSEM, an internationally recognized Swiss technology innovation center, provides insights in the following interview. Schmid addresses, among other topics, the general significance of AI in the industry, the untapped potential of predictive maintenance and why the industry would do well to rethink its handling and attitude toward data.
Publication Reference
MAFO - Ophthalmic Labs & Industry 06/2023