Additively Manufactured and Topologically Optimized Compliant Mechanisms: Technological Assessment Approach, Latest Achievements and Current Work in Progress
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Saudan, Hervé
Kiener, Lionel
Perruchoud, Gérald
Vaideeswaran, Kaushik
Dadras, Mohammad Mehdi
The use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes for space applications is a constantly growing topic of interest from the main actors in the space industry. In the specific field of spacecraft structures, an increasing number of successful AM-based developments were reported during the last ECSSMET symposium, with a clear focus on reproducing and optimizing designs of structural parts, thanks to metallic AM combined to powerful tools such as topology optimization. This trend seems to be less pronounced in the field of space mechanisms where little work has been published so far.
Publication Reference
ESMATS, Hatfield (UK), pp. 8