Dual optical frequency transfer through wavelength-division and polarization multiplexing in a 184-meter fiber link

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Blum, Roman
Denis, Séverine
Karlen, Lauriane
Kundermann, Stefan
Karlen, Sylvain
Lecomte, Steve
Stabilized dual optical frequency transfer is demonstrated through wavelengthdivision or polarization multiplexing in a 184-meter long polarization-maintaining fiber link. The latter is stabilized at a primary frequency in the telecom C-band using the established Doppler cancellation technique. Simultaneously, a secondary optical frequency is transferred in the same fiber. Out-of-loop characterization demonstrates an indirect Doppler cancellation for the secondary optical frequency. Compared to an unstabilized link, at 1000 seconds integration time we measure an 11.5 dB stability improvement for wavelength-division multiplexing and a 16 dB improvement for polarization multiplexing. Taking advantage of a stabilized link to distribute other wavelengths is useful for applications in frequency metrology. As an example, we are using a cavity-stabilized 1560 nm laser to stabilize the fiber link while a 1556.2 nm two-photon rubidium clock laser is being distributed.
Publication Reference
Optics Continuum, vol. 3 (7), pp. 1038-1050